I just want to listen to music through the headphones of the globe, I'll mix their screams with the cries of laughter. I'll cross over from obese greed and drown it in tragedy. I'll take one shot to a building and ignore the millions of bombs we drop to compensate for our more expensive lives. I'll bask in the glory of being able to eat the African families weight, malnourished and all. I'll parade around in clothes I don't need, expelling exhaust. "everything i could say would feed into insignificance"

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I just want to listen to music through the headphones of the globe, I'll mix their screams with the cries of laughter. I'll cross over from obese greed and drown it in tragedy. I'll take one shot to a building and ignore the millions of bombs we drop to compensate for our more expensive lives. I'll bask in the glory of being able to eat the African families weight, malnourished an all. I'll parade around in clothes I don't need, expelling exhaust. "everything i could say would feed into insignificance"


The thoughts of an Echo

Currently my mind is dried out. I had a classic 'fuck-all' day. However, my friend from Israel is in town and this is always something to celebrate. Absinthe and Forth of July down at the Pier under the mighty arms of Santa Barbara's beach/fire works. I wish I had some poetry to write but my mind is dried out. Currently seeking work, living in the land of Disco Broke. Public enemies came out...the new ice age is out in 3D this weekend. I rid myself of my Iphone and its costly bill. Maybe a good amount of things did happen today. "Disco times call for Disco measures," my ableton keeps crashing on my mac, someone smack this bitch up.

More footage from EDC

Love to Felix Elvi$$$$$

This is Michael Jackson


Disco times Call for Disco Measures

Uploading my first mix that I actually am proud of. So I used Ableton, and Raptor helped me find a loop for the intro and some cool effects to play with. And non of the songs are original...It's still worth listening..especially if you like American Psycho :-). "eyesball floating wet green grass"...oh yeah, "the geeks were right." I will say no more you will Listen here.

AFflicted Wolf-4merican P5ych0t1c (click on link, free download).

I expect of all people to sue me, Christian Bale. Hey if we have to meet through court buddy, I'll shake your head..I don't have money for you to get anyways..anything you'd take from me is governmentally funded and than your just stealing from the taxpayers.


The Most dangerous Weapon known to Man is knowledge of this, "People will Believe anything."

On homosexuality in Gene Simmons Minor, Harmony Lambert

The Gay Community needs Straight Spokesmen on their side. Let me be a part of this:

This is where the OLD school and the NEW school clash

(on the subject of Gene simmons being quoted as saying "American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert “ruined” any shot he has at a career in mainstream music after publicly confirming his rumored homosexuality" (click here for article)..

Gene-e-boy you grew up in different times..the mainstream entertainment used to be homophobic..and than after realizing a lot of artists, starts, etc..is produced, made, bought, owned and sold by homosexuals...well...Different times man, different times

Disco Times Call for Disco Measures©: I'm pursuing art at all cost. 'Man the Torpedo's.' No reason to spend my life avoiding the things I love only to have them bite me in the ass when I'm 40.

Zombies scare me, aka the Zed Word.

It's unfortunate that some people are appreciated more once they leave, but I finally know that Michael has found his peace. The peace he deserved.
It's unfortunate that an artist's work is taken for granted and only an artist understands how hard it is to be an artist.
"Misunderstood" only Lil Wayne has to tattoo that on his face as a reminder, aren't we all, wasn't Michael the most misunderstood person of them all.
We lost a King on June 25th, "a smooth criminal and an angel in the same day."


When the creativity well is buzzing, run with it.

Chase the infinite wisdom of a wise crash, Driving fast is recommended.
Pull the plugs and harness the body to escape inertia's fate.
Flying through the glass is just another way to escape.
I think the driver has finally taken the bait.