I just want to listen to music through the headphones of the globe, I'll mix their screams with the cries of laughter. I'll cross over from obese greed and drown it in tragedy. I'll take one shot to a building and ignore the millions of bombs we drop to compensate for our more expensive lives. I'll bask in the glory of being able to eat the African families weight, malnourished and all. I'll parade around in clothes I don't need, expelling exhaust. "everything i could say would feed into insignificance"

Welcome to my Journal. IGNORE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, or become my Editor


In the End

I can't say things haven't changed since I was last scribbling on this laptop/site.

I'm working, doing the website thing and just all around happier. There are of course still issues, being without a car, still in debt and could be healthier, but they are all things that can easily be improved upon and there is always room for improvement.

I'm not plagued with any lies or deceit. I have found true friends and have also learned whom to consider an associate and whom to consider someone I can love and trust. These are all important.

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